Narrator: What do you love about what you do?
Plan manager Hayley: I love the people that I'm meeting along the way.
Plan manager Rouba: I believe that if there's a way to reach out and help them throughout their life then that's exactly what I'm here to do.
Plan manager Ashleen: the fact that you can make a difference in someone's life no matterhow small it is.
Plan manager Steph: it's a really awesome feeling and a privilege I think to be able to be apart of people's story.
Narrator: Why do you think the NDIS process can be so overwhelming for participants?
Plan manager Sally: The NDIS is overwhelming to begin with.
Plan manager Jeff: In general it is a very complicated, convoluted, political system.
Plan manager Sally: It's just basically like learning a new language.
Narrator: How do you make things less stressful for participants?
Plan manager Sally: We just make navigating the NDIS easy.
Plan manager Steph: We look at each person and understand that they're all extremely different and we're able to tailor our style to fit them.
Narrator: What has been your most rewarding moment with participants?
Plan manager Ashleen: I have a participant that is quite sick, she's hard to get in contact with, so we built a system where she would leave me voice messages whenever she was awake and she could get around to doing it. We built a system that works for us and we builta relationship through that now we're really good friends we speak to each other all the time.Yeah she's an amazing lady.
Plan manager Steph: I've had a number of really Special Moments, so for instance perhaps someone's come to us and have been really let down by a lot of services before and they'renot really quite ready to trust us with their story or like to let us in and then when that personcalls us to tell us something exciting that's happened about their plan and you know that barrier has been broken and that they can trust you now there's so many of those really small moments every day that I think are really special.
Narrator: What does high touch mean to you?
Plan manager Jeff: High touch is all about being there for the participants. It's about understanding the participant, getting to know them, their likes their dislikes, how they like tobe communicated with. We have a personalised plan manager system that's also backed upby secondary plan managers.
Plan manager Ashleen: An example of high touch with one of our participants is that they needed an urgent refund and I did start the process while I was at work but then Iunfortunately became quite sick and that participant did know Shadia was my team member so she jumped on board while I was off and started the process of that getting that refundsorted out
Plan manager Shadia: Just because you were sick it doesn't mean that this participant needs to go without support, it means that there’s a whole team supporting you, supporting our participants as well.
Plan manager Steph: So if ever I'm not in the office for whatever reason the rest of the teamhas my back as well we never want a participant to be in a position where they have to explain their story again or go over anything twice.
Plan manager Jeff: It’s not a call centre, it's a personalised service where those plan managers are there to answer their call, to respond to their email, understand the participant.
Plan manager Steph: No matter where you're at in your journey, we've got your back.