What is a nominee?

A nominee is a person who is appointed by a participant to act or make decisions on behalf of a participant. Nominees have a duty to determine the wishes of the participant and make decisions that are in their best interests for their personal and social wellbeing.

There are two types of nominees:

Plan Nominee

A plan nominee can undertake all activities that a participant would undertake including, all activity relating to their plan and the management of their funds. If there is anything specific that you don’t want your plan nominee to decide, you can ask for this to be noted when you appoint them.

Correspondence Nominee

A correspondence nominee can undertake all activities that a participant would undertake, except for:

  • The preparation, review or replacement of the participants plan
  • Managing the funds for supports in the participants plan

You may consider having a nominee in place for times when you are unavailable to make decisions or need someone to speak with the NDIS on your behalf. The unexpected can happen and it’s good to have a plan in place, just in case.