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Individualised Living Options (ILO): A Quick Recap

About the Author
Jonathan Salgo
Co-founder and Head of NDIS Innovation at Provider Choice
Jonathan Salgo is the co-founder and head of NDIS Innovation at Provider Choice, who offer friendly and dedicated plan management services.
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When it comes to your overall wellbeing, a stable housing situation makes all the difference in achieving a good quality of life.

This is particularly significant for NDIS participants as it has historically been particularly difficult for individuals with disabilities to obtain stable housing that meets their needs.

Individualised Living Options (ILO) is an NDIS support that helps participants to work out how they want to live including the location and people they live with.

This support lets participants choose the home they want to live in and helps them get set up with supports that suit them best, in their chosen home environment. It's worth noting that this doesn’t include paying for the home itself (e.g. rent or mortgage payments). 

This quick explainer video with Provider Choice's Co-Founder and Head of NDIS Innovation, Jonathan Salgo, provides a quick, high-level overview of ILO and how this support could help participants.


Interested in learning more about Individualised Living Options?

Our team has compiled a handy guide for you to help you understand how ILO funding could benefit your participants. See how it works and what your options are by downloading our 11-paged guide on Individualised Living Options:From securing NDIS funding to finding a home

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Individualised Living Options (ILO): A Quick Recap

This quick video with Provider Choice's Co-Founder Jonathan Salgo, provides a high-level overview of ILO and how this support could help participants.

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Individualised Living Options (ILO)