Any services listed as ‘stated supports’ are not flexible. This means funding has been allocated for a specific support or service, and you can’t use this funding for something else. You cannot swap ‘stated supports’ for any other supports.
If there are supports in your plan that are listed as ‘in-kind’, it means the service has already been paid for by your state, territory or the Australian government.
When you use an in-kind service your existing provider will deliver your in-kind supports and you will not need to pay from them with your NDIS plan funds. If you have a concern about using a specific in-kind provider or service, you can talk to your ECEI Coordinator, LAC or NDIA planner.
More information on in-kind supports is available on the In-kind supports - participants page.
Where a support is listed as ‘quote required’ additional information such as quotes and/or specialist reports will be required before funding can be made available in your plan.
When you become a participant in the NDIS your plan will include any supports that the NDIS will fund, including any reasonable and necessary transport-related funded supports.
If you are receiving Mobility Allowance when you receive an approved NDIS plan, your eligibility for the Mobility Allowance payment ceases.
You cannot receive Mobility Allowance once you have a plan with the NDIS. However you will keep your Health Care Card if you have one.
For more information on Mobility Allowance visit the Services Australia website