Disability advocacy is acting, speaking or writing to promote, protect and defend the human rights of people with disability. The Australian Government, and some state and territory governments, fund independent advocacy to help people with disability who face complex challenges or are unable to advocate for themselves, and do not have family, friends or peers who can support them as informal advocates, to access advocacy support.
Note: Advocates are free. Participants don't need to use their NDIS funding to access their services.
Disability advocates can assist a person or a group of people with disability. Their work can include:
Reason: Risk of Suicide or requiring additional support
Suicide Call Back Service
24-hour telephone counselling service for those at risk of suicide, carers of someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide.
Phone: 1300 659 467
Website: www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Suicide prevention and crisis support services.
Phone: 13 11 14
Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Reason: Anxiety, depression, PTSD
Beyond Blue
Information on depression, anxiety and related disorders, available treatments and where to get help.
Phone: 1300 224 636
Website: www.beyondblue.org.au
Sane Australia
Free counselling services. Specialist in support for mental health or trauma-related.
Phone: 1800 187 263
Website: www.sane.org
Reason: No money for food
Providing food/meals for free.
Phone: 1800 108 006
Website: www.ozharvest.org
Second Bite
Providing food/meals for free.
Phone: 1800 263 283
Website: www.secondbite.org
Reason: Participant unhappy with services or outcome from a provider
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Works with NDIS participants, service providers, workers and the community that work to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
Phone: 1800 035 544
Website: www.ndiscommission.gov.au
Reason: Participant kicked out of their current house or experiencing homelessness
Mission Australia
Supporting homelessness crisis, prevention service, social & affordable housing.
Phone: 1800 88 88 68
Website: www.missionaustralia.com.au
Red Cross Australia
Programs for people who are currently homeless, help to maintain housing & to prevent homelessness, building skills and meals.
Phone: 1800 733 276
Website: www.redcross.org.au
Reason: Participant is a victim of Domestic Violence
1800 Respect
1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.
Phone: 1800 737 732
Website: www.1800respect.org.au
Reason: Not enough support from NDIS / funding from the NDIS / help with gaining access to NDIS
Australia wide - Disability Advocacy
DA advocates for people with disability of recurring problems to attempt to stop the same problem from happening to others.
Phone: 1300 365 085
Website: www.da.org.au
WA - Advocacy WA
Assists and supports people with disability to achieve social & individual change, empowerment, justice and human rights.
Phone: 08 9721 6444
Website: www.advocacywa.org.au
NSW - Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association
Individual and systemic advocacy for all people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Phone: 1800 629 072
Website: www.mdaa.org.au
ACT - ADACAS Advocacy
We promote and protect the rights of people with disability, people experiencing mental ill-health, older people and their carers.
Phone: 02 6242 5060
Website: www.adacas.org.au
VIC - Disability Justice Australia
Support to people who have ongoing support needs as a result of disability.
Phone: 1800 808 126
Website: www.dja.org.au
Provides quality advocacy services to older people and people with disability, giving Australians who may be vulnerable a voice through information, education and support.
Phone: 1800 818 338
Website: www.adaaustralia.com.au
Provide information to assist people in making informed decisions. We work together with clients to resolve their issues either on the phone or in person.
Phone: 1300 555 727
Website: www.dacssa.org.au
NT - Disability Advocacy Service
Supporting and empowering clients to exercise their own rights in accordance with the NT Disability Advocacy Standards.
Phone: 08 8962 1412
Website: www.das.org.au
TAS - Advocacy Tasmania
Supports with understanding, if the way you're being treated doesn't feel right and not getting what you have asked for.
Phone: 1800 005 131
Website: www.advocacytasmania.org.au
You can use this Disability Advocacy Finder to search and reach out to advocates in your participant's area.